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If you're new to Internet marketing, as I am, you surely are troubled by the title of this post. So let's take it on step at a time and see what this is all about.

You heard of Google, no doubt about that. From search engine to even this blog I am using to write on, Google's offer of free and useful features is no longer a secret for anybody.

What is AdSense? Well, AdSense is a free service from Google that allows webmasters to post relevant ads on their web sites and earn a little buck or two. You can check their page to get more info about AdSense and maybe sign up for the service. As for the Google search engine, there is a Google AdSense bot that crawls your website for key words. Based on those key works, AdSense decides what ads to post on your site. As I said, this service is supposed to show only relevant ads on your page (if somebody is surfing a classic painting site, they will not care and click on any ads related to c++ programming; they might click, but it highly improbable). So, the more keywords you have on your site, the more chances of earning more money from AdSense you have.

The next component of this whole system is another service from Google called AdWords. This is the service where people pay (sometimes a lot of money) so that when somebody searches for a specific word or phrase in the Google search engine, their site will come up as the best result (higher or even first in the list). This works like a bid for a word (or keyword phrase): whomever pays more gets their site higher in the list. When the highest budget is consumed, lower bids will also get a chance to appear on the first page of results.

The same approach is used for displaying the ads using AdSense. The higher the bid for a keyword, the more chances you have that your ad will be displayed on a page showing AdSense ads.

Now, what is Mesothelioma and what does "Mesothelioma lawyers" has to do with AdSense?

Patience, my dear Watson, patience...

Before we get to that part, we need to clear one more thing. There are unlimited versions of keywords and unlimited versions of different keyword combinations. Well, virtually unlimited. But some words are more expensive than other words. If you search for "asdfghjkl" you will get (surprisingly) about 329,000 search results. But try searching for "insurance" and you will get 402,000,000 results!!! So you can imagine that the bidding for "insurance" has totally different values than "asdfghjkl" (that is, advertisers will pay more for people who want to "buy a car" than for those who want "asdfghjkl").

We're getting closer to the "Mesothelioma" part...

This is not the only criteria (number of relevant pages) that translates in cost per impression or click from Google, but the most important is: their search word statistics. The words that are searched by most people give companies the most chances that they will get sale leads.

Now that we are getting somewhere, you might start to get an idea how is Mesothelioma lawyers related to AdSense. But this is the point where I tell you how I found out about "Mesothelioma lawyers". Google offers a free service for anybody who wants to find out what are the approximated costs for biding for a given word in their search engine (AdWords). You can point your browser to and start putting words and get the cost per click for each of them. This is how I got the amount people pay to get their sites higher on the search result page. For example, for keywords like "c++" you get max amounts of $6.88:

So, if you find a word that costs a lot and add some site content relevant to those words on a page that also has AdSense ads on it, you might get some clicks on those ads and earn more money. If somebody would click on an ad related to "c++ vector", you would earn $6.88 for one click!!!

Of course, now you are thinking as I was when I found out about this: Where can I get a list of the top paying keywords? The answer is, elementary my dear Watson, you search the Internet :P

There are people so kind that they will sell you this type of information. For a fair price, of course... Or you can keep searching until you find some words to get you started. This is how I found about "Mesothelioma lawyers", which has a cost per click of up to $87.22 (for one click)! There may be higher paying keywords, I will try to post them here (after I use them to earn millions, haha).

Ok, so what is Mesothelioma? According to,

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is almost always caused by previous exposure to asbestos.In this disease, malignant cells develop in the mesothelium, a protective lining that covers most of the body's internal organs. Its most common site is the pleura (outer lining of the lungs and chest cavity), but it may also occur in the peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal cavity) or the pericardium (a sac that surrounds the heart).

Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles, or have been exposed to asbestos dust and fibre in other ways, such as by washing the clothes of a family member who worked with asbestos, or by home renovation using asbestos cement products. Unlike lung cancer, there is no association between mesothelioma and smoking.

I know, it's not a cool word, and it's sad when you have to have a site with content about that. But it's a starting point and you get the idea. Just find a word that is worth well and is close to what you are trying to sell, place your AdSense ads on the page with the relevant content and you might strike gold! Good luck and happy key wording!

PS: You can get a list of high ranked keywords here:


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