What is Twitter? Who uses Twitter? Twitter stats, anyone?
Posted by Just little ol' me at Friday, June 05, 2009
I'm new to Twitter. One of my friends told me about it and I decided to look into it. I found out since then that it's kind of addictive, so if you don't have a "few" minutes to spare every hour to write 140 characters, then twitter isn't for you.
So What is Twitter?
To put it very simple, it's the simplest and easiest way to express what you feel, how you feel, what you are doing at some point. It takes 20-30 minutes to write a blog post, you have to style it, review it, add some photos to the post, set the labels for it... A pretty long process.
But what if you just want to shout something, like "i'm alive, i'm still here and kicking!"? Do you write a blog post for that? No, you don't, 'cause your readers will say "your roof is no longer on your house" (if you get my point :) ).
So this is where Twitter comes in the place. You just type what you feel at some moment of time, no styling, no photos, no nothing, just pure old fashioned FEELINGS! Yeah, you do write sometimes about other subjects as well, but this is (as I see it) the main benefit.
At the beginning you won't feel much to it, but then, when you start adding some friends/people to follow, you will realize the most refreshing feeling of all: YOU ARE NOT ALONE! What if you hate your job? Just write that on twitter. Maybe some of your followers hate their job too, so they will start tweeting answers to your tweet, and their friends will do the same, and their friends, and their friends... Get the picture?
People say that, because of this phenomenon, Twitter is the latest trend in marketing, as if you have someone say "I love IT Gang - itgang.blogspot.com", automatically hundreds of people (if not more, depending on how many followers they have) will visit the site. And it all happens almost instantly!
How to keep an eye on what other people are tweeting about?
First, create an account with Twitter. Then, you need to setup an easy way to be in touch with your twitter account and get updated when someone tweets about something. To do that, you just have to get one of applications/plug-ins out there that suit your need. Refreshing the Twitter homepage from time to time will not work, trust me (although it will actually work, the whole purpose is to get your friends feelings as soon as they tweet them, not 2 days later...).
I'm using TwitterFox, as I spend most of my day in front of my Firefox browser, but there are many tools out there.
Now that you're up and running, just go ahead and search for your friends (by name, location, keywords, anything will work), or follow somebody that you find interesting or has something interesting to say :)
Who uses Twitter? Twitter stats (statistics)
The answer is simple, again: Everybody uses Twitter! They say if you don't tweet you don't exist! So just search for your favourite actor/actress, singer, politician, you name it, and you can follow what they say every time they have something to say, not when you find out about it from the evening news.
I was curious to find who is the number one Twitter, who has the most followers, and I was able to find just that. At the time of this posting, the #1 World Twitter is ... Ashton Kutcher (2 million followers and counting)! (I don't know if he's the real thing or not, but anyway). The site I took this information is called twitterholic.com and it can show what's your ranking on Twitter based on the number of followers (http://twitterholic.com/vladges)
Yeah, ok, but who is the twitter who tweets the most every day? That's also something we can find in twitter stats. Just point your browser to tweetrush.com and look around! OMG, about 600+ tweets a day! Do they have time for anything else? I seriously doubt it.
Anyway, here you have it, folks! Tweet away!
PS: You can follow my tweets by clicking below:
Labels: blogging , break time fun , connection , free , how to , simple , twitter